Advanced Lunacy Settings

Advanced settings for the behavior and appearance of the application:
- application interface
- change shortcuts
- autosave settings
- components data placement
- show \ hide splash screen when run
- various settings for application behavior
and etc.
Leave your suggestions in the comments
I don't know if Sketch allows people to change keyboard shortcuts for tools and actions, but it would be nice to be able to reconfigure the app for my workflow like assigning 'V' for the Select tool, or 'P' for the Vector tool.
Presently, all new transition animations always use the same default type: "Animate Artboard from Right"
The desired behaviour would be some ability to change the default animation type for new hotspots/prototype links.
It appears that a moderator has relocated my feature request above, to this thread. I believe this to be an error.
I agree that Lunacy would benefit from a Preferences dialog of some sort, as requested by this thread. However, the OP goes on to suggest a laundry-list of items that should instead be individual feature requests.
At present, the imagined content of the proposed Preferences dialog does not exist. So to implement a Preferences dialog now would seem pre-mature and result in a mostly empty dialog begging for content.
As for my request, for Prototyping Defaults, it need not existing in a Preferences dialog at all, as demonstrated in the mockup. But moving the request here suggests that a Preferences dialog is a requirement or dependency. In fact, none of the laundry-list items *need* to be implemented in a Preferences dialog. And so, putting any of these laundry-list items, including my own, in this thread only succeeds in reducing their visibility.
Thank you, moderator, for trying to keep things organized, but hopefully you understand the problem.
The first part of your request looks closer to the proposal of improvement for the prototyping feature. We recently added a special branch for this kind of request.
The second part of your request is a request for the possibility to set/edit default settings manually for the prototyping. It was the main reason for moving your topic to this thread.