Document management: Move documents from "personal" cloud to a team.

The title pretty much says it all. I am a bit surprised that this isn't already possible.

I've been testing Lunacy for a bit now and am mostly happy with it.

Therefore my colleagues agreed to give Lunacy a go for all of us.

I created a team and invited them. So far so good. Then I wanted to move the work/documents I have made so far to the team so they also have access and can work on the files - this is when I realized this simply isn't an option currently.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • aa1qq1aa1qq1 Posts: 140Administrator

    @LOLinc Thanks for the feedback! We have had this feature in our backlog for a long time. We will definitely add it in the future, but now other tasks are a priority. As a workaround, you can save the cloud document locally and then upload the file to the team cloud.

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