Issue where font exists in System Fonts and Google Fonts


I've been experiencing an issue using a Google font (Manrope) which

  • I've installed on my Windows 11 device (so is loaded into Lunacy as a System Font)
  • Also available via the Google Fonts integration

When configure the element's Text attribute to use Manrope and select the weight (ExtraLight, Medium, SemiBold etc), the respective weight is not applied. In all cases it is being set to ExtraLight.

Manrope appears twice in the All options - see screenshots below. I need to have the Manrope font installed on the device for other applications, but regardless of which one I select (System or Google) I can't apply the weight required.

Has anyone else experienced this same issue?



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • aa1qq1aa1qq1 Posts: 140Administrator

    @__CJW__ Hi. Thank you for bug-report. Most likely Manrope font installed on your system as a variable font, which Lunacy does not support yet. Anyway there is issue when Google font is installed on system. I will add this bug to our bug list.

    As temporary solution you can delete Manrope font from system and reinstall it as not variable font.

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