exporting SVG or HTML preview distortion

AlexBlairAlexBlair Posts: 3Member
edited August 12 in New reports Vote Up0Vote Down

When exporting SVG or HTML preview, the layout of the image is misaligned.

Everything works fine in the editing interface.

editing interface.

exporting SVG or HTML preview

The problematic document is attached.




Software Version

9.6.2 (windows 64BIt)



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Thank the team for the rapid response. The problem has been solved in the BETA version and it is hoped that it can be applied in the latest official version. Thanks again.😀

    BUG Fixed In Beta (WIN X64)😘

  • aa1qq1aa1qq1 Posts: 91Administrator


    Hi! Thank you for detailed report. Similar bug was fixed in beta version. You can download and try it here.

    Let me know if this doesn't help.

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