"Noto" fonts - "Devanagari", "Bengali" and " Guajarti" - tested not rendering properly

betamasterbetamaster Posts: 1Member

Hi there,

Trying to write something using "Noto" fonts - "Devnagari" but the changes to selected font weight are not reflected on the artboard

The screenshot attached shows, The font weight selected is Bold - but the font rendered on art board remains "Thin" immaterial of choosing any weight, the fonts are also not rendered properly, it is showing gaps between characters

Kindly appreciate to have a fix on this ASAP


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • aa1qq1aa1qq1 Posts: 105Administrator

    @betamaster Hi.

    Go to Help menu and select "Open App Data Folder".

    Then open Fonts folder.

    Do you have Noto Sans Devanagari fonts in this folder?

    Also please specify your OS and version of Lunacy.

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