Lunacy freezes indefinitely when dragging a shape handle on macOS Monterey

When I drag a shape handles, the app is freezing. It's consistently happening every session, but not on every shape resize. This happened with different shapes (circles, squares, line, etc). Obviously this bug makes it very difficult to use the application, since resizing shapes is an integral function to illustrating.
Tested this on the latest App Store version (9.4.2 at the time?). I tried installing the stand alone build so I could get the beta updates. After to beta updates, I can confirm the issue still occurs. Today I reproduced this on build version
macOS Monterey 12.3.1
I will attach an Apple crash report from me force quitting the process. It was over 3mb / 40,000 lines so I had to zip it.
Thank you for your kind words! Regarding the bug, we fixed it in version 9.5. Please check it
@Paulus So far, so good! I've been editing my image for an hour, resizing various shapes without any issues. Thanks so much for the fast turn around. You guys rock!
Big thanks, buddy, for bringing this issue to our attention. Unfortunately, we can't track down every error on all devices accurately, and for that, we apologize. However, your report will greatly assist in our tracking efforts. Thank you!
@Paulus no problem...and I completely understand. I have worked as a software QA for the last 14 years, so anything I can do to help. If I can find more time to spend on it, I'll try to provide more detail. Love the application otherwise!