Guidelines to Lunacy community:
Always credit the author of the content you are sharing.
If your content is inspired or based on someone else's work, make sure to credit the author of the original.
Do not share inappropriate content (spam, pornography, illegal activity, graphic violence, etc.).
Pay respect to other users. We are building a welcoming community and will not tolerate any kind of hate speech, offensive language, harassment or threats.
Community admins retain full discretion to remove content that violates any of the above rules.
THANK YOU Lunacy Team!

Hello Lunacy team, I just wanted to say thank you for your great work and software (because unfortunately that doesn't happen often enough). I've been using Lunacy for 2-3 years and it keeps getting better with every update. I use Lunacy for literally everything: websites, icons, apps, thumbnails, and game UI, and it's just so easy. So a BIG THANK YOU to everyone working on Lunacy and keep it up 💙!!!
I love you ❤️
Best regards
That is also true:
Thanks for the good review!