difficult to move from fonts / font search bar

ahmedahmed Posts: 27Member
edited August 2023 in New requests Vote Up1Vote Down

plz make fonts easy to change

and fix 9.2 lite regular bold not working

... and add fonts search bar


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • PaulusPaulus Posts: 92Administrator

    Hello! I understand you as a designer, and I'm excited to inform you that we have already started developing a new font inspector. It will display previews of all fonts, with the ability to filter by language (English, Arabic, Cyrillic, Asian, Emoji, Symbolic, etc.), monospaced (yes/no), and possibly even by type (serif, sans-serif, slab-serif, handwritten, and display). Of course, we will also add search functionality and the ability to bookmark favorite fonts. It's a big task for us, but rest assured, we will get it done.

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