Better Flying Panels

AdrealAdreal Posts: 85Member
edited July 2023 in New proposal Vote Up2Vote Down

the flying panels confuse me, so I like this version more:

My Version:

Please change it like this ↑

lunacys version:



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I like your option, but I think the floating panels were created to have more screen space. So I'm not sure if users will like it.

  • PaulusPaulus Posts: 92Administrator

    Hello! We have considered many options for positioning floating panels, including yours, but as Katze_942 pointed out, the panels are needed for more canvas space, and during testing, the option currently implemented in Lunacy emerged as the winner.

  • AdrealAdreal Posts: 85Member

    Thanks for using my version of the floating panel design in the new update! 💙

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