Inserting Updated UI Kit Component inserts old component version while editing a cloud document

- I edit a ui kit library sketch file on the cloud.
- I save it locally to ensure that the local lunacy app ui kits get updated.
- I then open another cloud document to insert the updated ui kit component.
- While dragging and dropping the ui kit component, i preview show the updated on the component.
- The momemt I drop it on the cloud document, the component that gets inserted is the old un-updated version of the component.
We are aware of an issue with UI kits updating. In one of the future updates, shared libraries feature will be added that will solve this problem.
I tried inserting the UI Kit Component into a Local Document and it inserts the updated version of the UI Kit Component.
It seems the the lunacy cloud is caching the old version of the UI Kit component and using that instead.
I tried inserting the Updated UI Kit Component into a Local Document that had the old version of the component inside it already. Lunacy inserted the old version of the component instead.
So it is the same for both local & cloud documents.
Thank you. Looking forward to the shared libraries feature.
Update: My work around until the shared library feature:
The way i fixed it is by creating a new instance of the component (renaming it, for clarity, with by appending a v2/v3/etc ="oldname-v2" ).
1) save the file.
2) delete from UI Kit.
3) Close & Start the app (sometimes UI Kit changes don't get reflected)
4) add the library file to the UI Kit again.
5) I then have to "replace" the old components with the new versions.
I think lunacy starts thinking that the component is a new component and won't confuse it with cached versions of the old component.
Its a hassle, but it allows me to keep working.