Introducing Our Online Backlog: Keep Track of Tasks in Real Time

PaulusPaulus Posts: 94Administrator
edited July 2023 in New requests Vote Up9Vote Down

We made our backlog public, so you can now track what we’re working on now, check the status of your requests and learn about our plans. Everything is transparent.

The backlog page has four tabs on the left side:

  • Current sprint. Displays the list of tasks for the ongoing sprint. Sprints typically last for two weeks.
  • Next Sprint. Shows the list of tasks scheduled for the upcoming sprint.
  • Backlog. The full list of tasks we currently have. This is where your suggestions and ideas get first. Once a sprint is complete, we go to the backlog, analyze the tasks, and add them to the next sprint.
  • Commits. Checkpoints or milestones of the project. The most recent changes made to the project will be visible here.

How to read the table:

  • Key. The task identifier in our task tracker. You can use it to search the table, as well as the task Summary.
  • Type. Determines the category of a task:
  • Bug. Refers to an issue or malfunction when something does not work as intended.
  • New feature. Represents a new functionality or feature, usually not an enhancement of an existing one.
  • Improvement. Signifies an enhancement or improvement of existing functionality. For example, if we had an export to PNG feature but decided to add the ability to export to SVG, it would be considered an improvement.
  • Research. Denotes a task for investigating or researching something. Typically, it does not have specific design or deadlines, but successful research often leads to new tasks.
  • Task. Used when a task does not fit into other criteria.

Priority. We prioritize tasks and focus on completing important ones first. You can determine the priority of a task by the colored bars to the right of task summaries. The priorities are as follows: Trivial, Minor, Major, Critical, Blocker.


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