Flying panels WTF??

Lunacy, what the hell have you done? Them panels be flying in the air now, and it's freaking. Put everything back the way it was, please!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • AdrealAdreal Posts: 85Member

    Hello, I think the new design is really cool, but I can understand it. so lunacy please add an option where you can select the theme to the old or new theme

  • I agree, the floating panels are rather weird. I'm not 100% opposed to them, as the slight gaps between, combined with semi-transparency, gives the illusion that I can see more of my canvas, which is always appreciated. But they do tend to disappear on complex canvases as they have no border. Good GUI design would give each floater a 1px border in the opposite colour.

    Best design would probably be a sidebar as before, but dockable, the way 99.9% of other design software does it.

  • I vote for option too.

  • Fully agree with "Best design would probably be a sidebar as before, but dockable, the way 99.9% of other design software does it."

  • I agree the option to put it back should be there, but I definitely prefer the new way, and I can absolutely see why they did it. Everything is nice and collapsed, and if I need it, I can use it. It's new, different. Just because "99.9%" of other people do it, doesn't mean they need to either. I've been using Lunacy for many, many years, and they've always tried weird and new things. You can't innovate if you just copy everyone else.

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