Open Adobe XD files

AlexAlex Posts: 332Member

It would be great if you also include an option to open and save files as Adobe XD files like you have already provided a sketch feature. This will be good for Windows 7 users as Adobe XD is only available to Windows 10.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • AlexAlex Posts: 332Member

    Guys, it took us 2 years to support Sketch and we're still not done. It's something you can begin but never end. Also, it sets the standard for our architecture; if we support one thing, we can't fully support another.

    Example: multiple dashed borders. In Sketch, they could have different colors, but the same dash pattern. Other tools have/may have a separate property for each of them; they could change it over time.

    In short, the task is too heavy.

    Another point is unlike Sketch, Adobe XD is far from being a leader. It only dreams of catching up. Sketch is 90% of the market, the rest is divided among several tools, including XD.

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