Resizing Contraints on text seems not working.

1) Describe your issue
I try to do some kind of card component with an avatar on the top left, one text next to it and in the bottom right, dateTime.
(top, the component / Bottom (re)use of the component)
To achieve this :
- I fix my avatar on top/left + fixed size => It is Ok
- I fix my action description on top/right + fixed size => NOk, Text zone is growing proportionally
- Same for the date that is fixed on bottom/right
2) How often is your issue taking place? Every time
3) Has this issue any dependency on the document you are editing? No
4) What Lunacy version gave this issue the first time? Noticed on V8.5.2
5) Specify some moments about your device: OS, CPU & GPU model, RAM size : Windows 10
You're trying to resize an artboard of the master component. It'll not give the result you're expecting, because it's a special artboard that is working a bit different.
You need to add your component instance to the document and resize it, so you'll see that costraints are working.