Share color palette in UI Kit

In my custome UI Kit, I have correct colors for my components, but palette color names are not displayed and color is not easily reusable in the project. I Used tu take the color picker and redo the color palette in each new projects.
Is it possible to share color palette like styles and components in the Library (UI Kit) panel ?
You could use Shared styles or Color variables. This combination should cover the most part of cases depends on reusing the fixed list of colors.
Or it'll be not enough for your case?
Sharing styles works great !
But if there is a way to share Color variables or get a Palette from a specific project, I don't find how and I would enjoy learning. :-)
By importing my library from UIKit the color from the style appears with no name and Color variables list is empty. (Version 8.4.1)
Maybe it is related to my way of using the software. I have the habit to split projects in small files and reusing a lot the components, styles, colors, ... that I made before by importing UIKits.
Document colors is a document palette, but it's not an object of export/import. You could copy a pack of styles from one document to another one. Select them with Shift and Copy next, open Styles at the left panel of a target document and paste copied styles.
We'll fix Color Variable names. Thank you for the report.