Copy as XAML - Use DrawingGroup instead of Canvas
The copy as XAML command is great but in some cases, we need the XAML as a DrawingImage element in order to use it as an image source.
Actual output:
<Canvas Width="32" Height="32" Background="#FFFFFF" ClipToBounds="True">
<Rectangle Width="32" Height="32" Fill="#FF0000" />
<Path Data="M1 21L1 0" Stretch="Fill" Canvas.Left="7.5" Canvas.Top="5.5" Width="2" Height="21"
StrokeThickness="1" Stroke="#FFFF00" />
Alternative output:
<GeometryDrawing Brush="#FFFF0000" Geometry="F1 M 0,0L 32,0L 32,32L 0,32L 0,0 Z "/>
<GeometryDrawing Geometry="F1 M 7.5,5.5L 7.5,26.5">
<Pen LineJoin="Round" Brush="#FFFFFF00"/>