Bring back Page flyouts in Target dropdown

(Great work on version 6.8, btw! I'm really enjoying the ability to swap components and keep the overrides. Thanks!) But, unrelated...
I'm stuck scrolling forever when I use the new Target dropdown. Especially if I need to scroll all the way to the top to set Previous Artboard.
Previous behaviour (version 6.7):
The Target dropdown had flyout menu sections for each page.
Current behaviour (version 6.8):
The Target dropdown has no flyouts, just a single list with ALL artboards on ALL pages AND!!! ALL components
It's not realistic to type the name of my artboard from memory, there are hundreds of them, especially since my icon components are included in the list. (But I do like being able to type the artboard name when needed. Thanks for that :) )
Preferred behaviour:
Keep the ability to type/edit the target name, but revert back to flyouts for each page. (The only thing that won't be possible is jumping to the closest matching typed name. But that was a bit janky anyway, because the list was grouped by page: If the same name exists on multiple pages, jumping to the first match is less relevant.)
Make the dropdown into a "path constructor" pattern, using slashes to define the hierarchy. The dropdown would only show valid options for the current level. The top option (or backspace) would go up one level in the hierarchy. (See mockup below)
(Note: This would probably require that slashes be illegal characters in page names)
Thanks for your consideration :) Keep up the great work!