Ability to re-specify Targets on-screen (esp. for Hotspot Overrides)

Presently, when initially creating a hotspot or prototype link, one's cursor changes to a blue "rubber-band with arrowhead" than can be use to specify the target Artboard.
Afterwards, if the target needs to change, there are only two ways to do this: 1. with the dropdown; Or 2. trash the Prototype entry, and start a new one.
However, trashing is not possible for links nested within component instances. But it is especially in the case of component instances when it is often be more efficient to select the new target on-screen, rather than the dropdown. Very often, the desired target is right beside where one has added the component instance. I selected the Component, clicking multiple times until the hotspot is selected. Now I would like to just pick the new target -- on-screen -- right beside my current artboard.
But instead my only option is to dropdown and scan all artboard names, searching for and matching the one on-screen (whose name may not even be in-view). This is especially troublesome when there are a couple dozen or more available artboards in the dropdown.
Below is a mockup of how I imagine this could be implemented. A new button, to the left of the Hotspot "reset" button, that would initiate the "blue rubber-band" for picking a new target.