Move (or drag) Artboard to another page, preserving prototype links

MrMattSimMrMattSim Posts: 33Member
edited January 2021 in In backlog Vote Up3Vote Down

Presently there are only two options for moving Artboards to another page:

  1. Cut-paste. But prototype links are lost (set to None) for anything that targets the Artboard being "moved". (Which makes sense because it briefly doesn't exist in between cut-and-paste)
  2. But if you absolutely need to preserve links, there is this ridiculous workaround:
  • Right-click the page you want to move an Artboard to, Set as Component Page
  • Select the Artboard you want to move to that page
  • Make it a Component (But, it will NOT move - yet - to the newly assigned Components page because creating a Component from an Artboard leaves the master definition in-place)
  • Right-click the Artboard (now a component master), Send to Components Page
  • (Move any additional Artboards in the same way)
  • Set the component page back to what it's supposed to be (Right-click "Components" page, Set as Component Page)
  • Accept the fact that your Artboard is now a component master that behaves like a valid Prototype target (or create a new feature request to convert Component Masters back into simple Artboards)
  • 😉
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